Anxiety Recovery Blueprint

The step-by-step blueprint to recover from anxiety so you can live the life you’ve always wanted.

→ Finally recognize that nothing is in fact wrong with you, and there IS a solution to the trapped experience you often have in your brain and body.

→ Stop spending hours of your precious life ruminating, going down a negative thought spiral, and worrying about everything in life instead of getting to actually experience it.

→ Stop spending your life white-knuckling physical anxiety symptoms and pushing through the discomfort when you could feel ease and move through your day.

→ Live a full life with rich experiences that aren’t constantly clouded by the weight of your anxiety.





Have you ever had a therapist tell you to “just think positive”, meditate, or rely on deep breathing to cure your anxiety? As someone that struggled with anxiety for decades myself, I can tell you that I get it, and I promise I won’t tell you to do these things.

Not only do they not work to actually heal your anxiety, but they can leave you feeling frustrated, hopeless, and even more anxious wondering why they didn’t work.

Maybe you’re new to feeling anxious, or maybe you’ve struggled with anxiety for years. You’ve tried to just “worry less”, relax, and push the anxiety away…but it never works. Maybe you’ve even tried therapy or read self-help books, but you have yet to find a strategy that actually helps and gives you lasting relief from anxiety.

Anxiety has held you back from so much in life. It interferes with your confidence, and causes you to constantly doubt yourself and your decisions. It negatively impacts your relationships, because you’re always questioning your partner or your friends, wondering if they’re mad at you or if you did something wrong. It interferes with your job, and you end up holding your tongue and playing small when you’d rather actually be speaking up and trying for that promotion. It holds you back from showing up as the partner/parent/friend you long to be, because you’re so consumed with anxious thoughts that you can’t think clearly about anything or anyone else.

You know that life has to have more to offer than this. You can’t imagine spending the rest of your life always worrying, overthinking, doubting yourself, and stopping yourself from doing the things that you want to do because you feel too anxious. Life is too short to be held back by anxiety, and it’s time to take your power back.


Anxiety Recovery Blueprint is the easiest way to go from feeling scared, insecure, and overwhelmed…to brave, confident, and free.

Anxiety Recovery Blueprint is the easiest way to go from feeling scared, insecure, and overwhelmed…to brave, confident, and free.

  • Say goodbye to…

    🙅…Constantly overthinking, worrying, and ruminating about every little thing

    🙅…Panic attacks and other uncomfortable physical symptoms that are related to anxiety

    🙅… Skipping out on social events, traveling, and other fun plans because you felt too anxious to go

    🙅… Feeling frustrated, guilty, and embarrassed about your anxiety

  • Instead, you’ll...

    🥳… Know exactly how to deal with anxious thoughts, and not waste any more time on them.

    🥳…Know exactly what to do when physical anxiety symptoms strike, and how to handle them.

    🥳… Go to fun events whenever you feel like it, AND learn how to actually be present (and not constantly anxious!) while you’re there.

    🥳… Understand why anxiety happens from a science-based perspective, and improve your relationship with yourself so that your confidence skyrockets.



Anxiety Recovery Blueprint

A self-paced online course that will teach you step-by-step instructions on how to find lasting relief from anxiety. Using science-backed tools and techniques, my background of 10+ years working in the mental health field, and my own experience recovering with anxiety, I have put everything you need to know about anxiety recovery into this course. 

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One Time Payment

$497 $249

Two Monthly Payments

The only thing standing between you and a life free from debilitating anxiety is Anxiety Recovery Blueprint.


Hi! I’m Sarah. A licensed mental health therapist and fellow anxious girl. Well, I used to be. I started getting anxiety and panic attacks when I was 5 years old. As I got older, I struggled with pretty much every type of anxiety you can think of: social anxiety, health anxiety, high-functioning anxiety…the list goes on. I started wondering if there was more to life than just being a nervous ball of anxiety all the time, constantly overthinking and second-guessing everything that I did. I became a therapist to learn all about mental health, determined to help others AND help myself with this lifelong anxiety. With 10+ years of experience working in mental health, multiple anxiety certifications, and my own personal life experience…I can now happily say that anxiety no longer rules my life. I’ve FINALLY found relief, and I created this course to help you find relief, too.


In Anxiety Recovery Blueprint, we help you find relief from 5 main types of anxiety:

    • Do you excessively worry and overthink about many different areas of your life, such as your relationships, work, school, finances, and more?

    • Do you find it difficult to control the worry?

    • Does it feel like anxiety takes over and controls your life?

    • Do you experience physical anxiety symptoms like restlessness, muscle tension, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbances, or irritability? 

    • Do you experience extreme levels of anxiety that come out of nowhere? 

    • Do you experience any of the following symptoms during these episodes: racing heart, shaking, shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness, or a fear of losing control and like the world around you is not real?

    • Have you been told by your doctor that these symptoms are from a panic attack or anxiety, but you don’t know what to do about them or how to fix it?

    • Do you have extreme anxiety in social situations?

    • Do you constantly worry what others think about you and replay past conversations in your head?

    • Do you avoid social situations or isolate yourself because of this anxiety?

    • Do you excessively worry about your health, and google any physical symptom that you experience?

    • Have you been told by a doctor that the symptoms you are experiencing are from anxiety, but you doubt them and still believe there is something seriously wrong?

    • Do you hyper-fixate on your body and any physical sensations you notice (you might even check your vitals like your heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen levels, etc)?

    • Do you look like you have it “all together” on the outside, but on the inside you overthink, have low self-esteem, and experience physical anxiety sensations?

    • Do you use work as a distraction from your anxiety, and push through when you feel stressed to try and make the anxiety go away?

    • Do others see you as very confident and a high achiever, but you struggle with imposter syndrome and don’t fully believe in yourself?

It’s very common to struggle with more than one type of anxiety; if you answered “yes” to one or more of the questions above, this course is for you. 

Other anxiety courses may help you with one type of anxiety…but Anxiety Recovery Blueprint can help you find relief from ALL of these types. This course is the only one on the market that can help you address multiple types of anxiety!

BONUS: Once you enroll in Anxiety Recovery Blueprint, you will also gain exclusive access to a private Q&A podcast with me. You will have the opportunity to submit questions to me, and I will reply to your question with a private audio message. You will also have private access to all other questions I've answered, giving you even more support and insight into how to recover from anxiety. This is a chance to get specific support tailored to YOU during your anxiety recovery journey. I don't offer support like this anywhere else!

Choose Your Plan


One Time Payment

$497 $249

Two Monthly Payment

“As an anxiety therapist and anxious human, I know just how awful it is to struggle with anxiety. Anxiety Recovery Blueprint lays out everything you need to know to tackle your anxiety, stop overthinking, and finally feel relief from the physical symptoms. Sarah teaches concrete strategies that actually work and are easy to implement. This course is a true gift for anyone wanting to recover from anxiety!”

Kelly McKenna, LCSW

“As a licensed therapist with personal experience in OCD and anxiety, I highly recommend Sarah's self-paced course Anxiety Recovery Blueprint. Sarah's approach is incredibly easy to understand; she breaks down complex concepts into simple, actionable steps. Her practical techniques are invaluable, and her encouraging demeanor makes the process feel supported and manageable. This course is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to effectively manage their anxiety.”

Christina Ennabe, LCMHC



  • Anxiety is controlling some or most of your day 

  • Your work, relationships, and life are being impacted by anxiety 

  • You are losing trust in yourself and your body, and sometimes wonder if you will ever be able to heal and feel normal

  • You’ve tried other things to recover from anxiety that haven’t worked, and are feeling frustrated and alone

  • You see others living full lives free from the constant worry, and you know that you want that too

Anxiety Recovery Blueprint is the step-by-step guide that will help you recover from anxiety, stop constantly worrying and overthinking, and gain the confidence and courage to go do whatever you feel like doing, whenever you want!



4 hours of recorded educational content


Customizable worksheets for YOUR specific anxiety triggers to support you on your anxiety recovery journey


Lifetime access to Anxiety Recovery Blueprint course materials


BONUS: Weekly opportunity to submit questions to me, and access to answers in a private podcast feed


BONUS: Holistic techniques (yoga, supplements, nutrition) for anxiety relief



Limited time offer: $497

Choose Your Plan


One Time Payment

$497 $249

Two Monthly Payments

How is Anxiety Recovery Blueprint different?

  • Much of what I teach in this course is evidence-based and has been found to be successful for decreasing anxiety. I have 10+ years of experience working in the mental health field, additional anxiety certifications, and have devoted many years to studying and understanding anxiety.

  • I’m not just some researcher or scientist who did studies about anxiety but never actually dealt with it. I get it. I know how exhausting and frustrating anxiety can be. I personally felt held back by anxiety for many years, and it took over my life at times. But I found a way out, and I want to teach you the way out in this course. If it’s possible for me, it’s possible for you too.

  • There are so many courses and educational videos out there, how do you know which one to pick? I made sure to really only put the NECESSARY information into my course, to avoid information overload and not waste any of your time. You really don’t need to watch a 10-20 hour long course or read a 200+ page book about anxiety in order to find relief. Don’t overthink it or waste your time learning information that isn’t necessary.

  • Most courses out there only help you with ONE type of anxiety. But Anxiety Recovery Blueprint can help you find relief from MANY different types of anxiety. In my experience, I’ve found that most people struggle with more than one type of anxiety, and this course is the only one on the market that can help you address them all!

Imagine If…

You knew exactly how to deal with anxious thoughts, and not waste any more time on them.

You knew exactly what to do when physical anxiety symptoms strike, and how to handle them.

You could go to fun events whenever you feel like it, AND learn how to actually be present (and not constantly anxious!) while you’re there.

You no longer felt ashamed, frustrated, or embarrassed by anxiety…and instead you felt confident and free. 


  • Right away!!! As soon as you sign up for Anxiety Recovery Blueprint, you have instant access to the course. Enroll now and you could be on your way to relief from anxiety very soon!

  • Anxiety Recovery Blueprint is a self-paced educational online course. This means that you complete the course at your own pace, without live support. HOWEVER, a huge benefit of joining this course is that you will gain access to weekly Q&A sessions with me, where you can submit your questions and I will personally reply to you and answer your questions in a private podcast feed. This is an exclusive way to get more personalized support that I don’t offer anywhere else!

  • YES! One of the huge benefits of taking an online course is that ANYONE can participate in it, regardless of where they live. There are no location restrictions, like there may be in 1:1 therapy (many therapists can only work with clients that are located in the state they are licensed).

  • Educational online courses are different from therapy in a few ways. One, you complete the course content on your own time and without a therapist in session. Two, it is educational content and not therapeutic advice (since it is not a 1:1 therapy session). By purchasing this online course, you are not receiving 1:1 therapy. However, many people actually prefer online courses! Read below for why.

  • There are many reasons why people prefer a course! For one, if you are on a budget and cannot afford 1:1 therapy, a course is a great option. 1:1 therapy can cost upwards of $200+ per 1 hour session; this course provides over 4 hours of informational content and step-by-step guidance to recover from anxiety, as well as ongoing Q&A opportunities in a private podcast feed, all for a much lower price. If you don’t have time in your schedule to attend 1:1 therapy, a self-paced course is a great option for you as you can complete it in your own time. Or, if you haven’t been able to find a therapist that is a good fit but you know you resonate with my content (and can’t work with me 1:1 because you don’t live in a state where I am licensed), this is a great alternative to get access to my anxiety recovery support.

  • Absolutely! This course could be a great compliment to 1:1 therapy, as you can complete it whenever you want to in your own time. You could also use the exercises in between therapy sessions if you felt like you wanted additional tools and support.

  • Anxiety Recovery Blueprint isn’t just a cookie-cutter online course. I provide engaging and practical science-backed techniques that you can use throughout the course and in your everyday life to find relief from anxiety. I also share aspects of my personal story throughout the course, to really show you how possible it IS for you to find anxiety relief.

  • Yes! The course has lessons designated specifically towards strategies that can help different types of anxiety, such as Social Anxiety, Health Anxiety, High-Functioning Anxiety, Generalized Anxiety, and Panic Attacks. The entire course also includes tools that are helpful for and can be applied to ALL types of anxiety. 

  • Once you join Anxiety Recovery Blueprint, you will have lifetime access to the course content. You will also get access to any future updates I make to the course. Since it is a self-paced course, you can complete it at any time you choose that is convenient for you.

  • Since you receive access to all course materials once you purchase the course, I am unable to offer refunds.

How many mornings have you woken up with racing thoughts, a pounding heart, and dread just thinking about how difficult it feels to get through your day because of the extreme anxiety you feel?

If you’ve read through everything I’ve written and made your way all the way down here, then you know you are ready to find relief from anxiety. Just imagine how different your life would be if you didn’t feel anxious 24/7. If you felt like you could actually relax. If you didn’t feel nervous and unsure, but instead you felt calm and confident.

Or how about having sleepless nights, tossing and turning, worrying about everything that happened that day or everything that is going to happen tomorrow?

This is available for you. You CAN live a life free from exhausting anxiety. You CAN learn how to take your power back, and kick anxiety out of the driver’s seat so that YOU are in the driver’s seat. 

If other people can do it, you can do it too. Are you ready?

Choose Your Plan


One Time Payment

$497 $249

Two Monthly Payments